Excellence in Credit

G l o b a l M u l t i - S t r a t e g y
D i s c i p l i n e d
U n i f i e d
T r u s t e d
C r e d i t P l a t f o r m
R i s k M a n a g e m e n t
C u l t u r e
P a r t n e r s h i p s

Founded in 2002, Silver Point Capital is a leader in global credit investing, built from the very beginning with the deep resources, expertise and capital necessary to invest successfully in credit markets across cycles.

Today, our team of over 320 employees, led by our founders Ed Mulé and Bob O’Shea, oversees the management of $32 billion of investable assets across multiple synergistic credit strategies: Direct Lending, Capital Solutions, Credit Market Opportunities, Special Situations, Structured Credit, Real Estate Lending, and Opportunistic Real Estate.

With a core focus on risk management and a culture defined by integrity and collaboration, we believe we are a world-class, multi-strategy credit investment firm seeking to set the standard as a creative and reliable partner.

Global Multi-Strategy Credit Platform

We strive to create comparative advantages across our complementary businesses by digging deeper and integrating differentiated insights in our analysis.

We target what we believe to be the best ideas from a broad network of sourcing relationships; underwrite risk-adjusted returns with industry and product expertise; and seek to optimize portfolio management with a wide lens on global credit markets.

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Disciplined Risk Management

Our risk management framework is integral to the preservation of client capital. We seek to manage risk through institutional processes that have been refined over 22+ years. The focus is firmly on downside protection.

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of Investable Assets




Investment Professionals


of Capital Deployed

Unified Culture

The strength of our platform is rooted in our team culture. We encourage active collaboration, training, mentoring and creative thinking and, above all, a commitment to excellence.

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“We Believe

the collective efforts of our team will drive the success of Silver Point Capital over the long-term. We know that our combined skills, knowledge and experience will take us further than individual, stand-alone efforts. Teamwork is the standard at Silver Point. Working together, building enduring professional relationships, and embracing complexity are key to our delivery of outstanding performance for our clients and creative solutions for our partners. We value the trust our investors and partners have placed in us since 2002 and we continue to be committed to building and strengthening our relationships over time.”

Edward Mule

Edward A. Mulé

Founding Partner,
Portfolio Manager & CEO

Robert O'Shea

Robert J. O’Shea

Founding Partner & Chairman

Exceptional people, deeply committed to results.

Trusted Partnerships

First and foremost, we are committed to creating value for our partners by delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns to our investors and being a reliable and impactful partner throughout credit cycles. 

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Two Greenwich Plaza
Greenwich, CT 06830

Tel: 203-542-4230

Chicago, IL

Stamford, CT

Palo Alto, CA

Los Angeles, CA

San Francisco, CA

London, UK